Modelo de Declaración Jurada de Nacimiento


I, Jane Doe, being duly sworn, affirm the following facts:

  1. I am a native and resident of India.  My present address is 1 Main Street, Bombay, India.
  2. I was born in Bombay, India on March 30, 1950 and I am the maternal aunt of John Smith, who is the beneficiary of the attached petition filed by his U.S. citizen mother, Jill Smith.
  3. John Smith was born on April 13, 1965, to Jack Smith and Jill Smith, his parents, who were lawfully married at the time of his birth.
  4. John Smith was born at 4 Main Street, Bombay, India, the home of his parents.
  5. I was physically present at the birth of John Smith and am therefore familiar with facts regarding his birth.

Janet Doe

Sworn before me this________ day of ____ , 20__ .